Voices of the Survivors

miriamwenge-1390588644-7 Hyman Steinmetz holocaust survivor at his home in Brooklyn

Someday they will all be gone – those who survived the atrocities of the Holocaust firsthand. Today their number hovers around 195,000 but that figure dwindles every year. Are we so focused on remembering the Holocaust for the future that we’re ignoring its victims today? That’s the big question. Others come to mind as well:

Did they forget enough to rebuild and love again?

How are they faring now in their closing years?

Have they been compensated for ‘the years that the locust have eaten‘?

In an article in Tablet Magazine from January 2014, journalist Matthew Fishbane lays out the survivors’ plight now, 70-plus years after the end of World War II. Included is a beautiful audio-visual tribute to nine survivors now living in New York.

Article:  Soon There Will Be Nor More Survivors

Audio-Visual Tribute:  Portraits by Jason Florio


  1. Kristine Molmen says

    I am continuously collecting diaries, books, films, passages penned by prisoners, etc. so, that I and my family will never forget this most horrible event in our history. This compilation of the last of the survivors is truly priceless.

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